Wellness Workshops

K. Cole Wellness specializes in wellness workshops and experiences that allow busy, woman leaders to practice self-care and prioritize their wellbeing. Experiences offer interactive, engaging, and creative ways for participants to center their wellbeing and mental health. Workshops are offered virtually and in person.

Workshop Offerings:

Self-Care Refresh (60-75 minutes): This is a K. Cole Wellness signature workshop. In this curated experience participants practice self-care at a relaxed pace. Participants will interact with art, music, and reading to explore themes related to their own self-care and well-being. Participants will: learn about the different types of self-care and learn how to identify what kind of self-care they need. Participants will also be guided through a series of simple self-care exercises which can be used in daily life to reduce stress and improve well-being. After the refresh, participants will feel less stressed and ready to find creative ways to incorporate self-care into their personal and professional lives. 

Joyful Leadership Micro-Retreat (60 minutes): Based on Kandice’s latest book, The Joyful Woman’s Guide to Self Care, participants are guided through a creative mindfulness process that asks women leaders to think outside of the box and consider new metrics of leadership success for themselves.  During this micro-retreat experience, participants will practice creative self-care; collaborate authentically with other attendees, and explore ways to integrate practices as leaders that are centered on their joy and overall well-being.

Exploring Mindfulness: Storytime for Adults (45-60 minutes): Storytime is not just for children. This workshop offers a fun, gentle way to practice mindfulness and explore themes related to wellness. Relax and get comfortable as you listen to the reading of a children’s book, do some creative reflection, and have a great conversation.

Chopra Total Health Program (5 workshop series): The Chopra Health program, developed by Chopra Center co-founders, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon, integrates the principles of modern science with the ancient healing wisdom of Ayurveda for optimal physical and emotional well-being. This five-part series explores Ayurvedic approaches to achieving optimal well-being in mind, body, and soul that are practical and effective.

What people are saying about the K. Cole Wellness Experience

“The entire retreat was really lovely! The activities brought a real sense of tangible action that can be taken in order to focus more on positive self care.” – Wethos Community Manager

“Everything [about the retreat] was so thoughtful and approached with such intention and compassion.” Natalie Dean, Founder, Whine and Cheese, Inc.

“This is an amazing retreat! I’m so grateful to be a part of it. It’s the peace I need in my life and Kandice gives you permission and encourages you to care for yourself “- Jamie Newton Knight, Founder, Blended Black Family & The Cooperative Coparenting Blend ®️

“I learned about six specific types of self-care, and my fellow IWF members shared genuine and meaningful experiences. This was an hour well spent!” — IWF Chicago member

Want to learn more about booking a workshop? Fill out the form below!